Become a Friend of the Colorado Women’s Alliance
Dedicated to the mission of advocating, educating and engagement on issues of highest importance to female voters in Colorado.
Benefits of Becoming a Friend:
- Pride in knowing that you are affiliated with a highly respected, balanced, organization with a legacy of providing thoughtful discussion and learning opportunities on statewide issues of importance to women.
- Connection with other like-minded women who value civil and respectful discord on statewide issues that impact our daily lives.
- Discounted registration fees to all Colorado Women’s Alliance events.
- The ability to share and promote events, that are in alignment with the priorities of the Colorado Women’s Alliance through our channels of communication.
- Friends may be called upon, from time to time, to make introductions in their community, help spread the word on upcoming events, or be asked to weigh in on the pros and cons of statewide issues.
Become a Friend Today:
Individual – $25 / year Individual Friends receive all the above benefits and a small thank you gift.
Supporter – $75 / year Supporters receive all the above benefits and a Surprise-and-Delight Welcome Box.
Champion – $100 / year Champions receive all the above benefits and one free event ticket.
Sponsor – $500 / year Sponsors receive all the above plus a sponsorship logo on the website’s “Friends” page.
Click Here to Become a Friend Today!
A BIG shout out to our amazing sponsors of the Friends of Colorado Women’s Alliance!
We’ve partnered with local Colorado authors and entrepreneurs to bring you the best surprise-and-delight boxes, included in our Supporter, Champion and Sponsor friend levels.